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Cheap phone calls

Fed up with paying hundreds of dollars every month for your phone and internet that’s as slow as a snail? Or how about sifting through all those confusing marketing promotions to find the right package? Well now South Australians can choose a new service that’s guaranteed to save you up to 70% off your bill. More…

Supermarket Survey

Not even superman can rescue Adelaide families from the menacing forces that are currently threatening their hip pockets. It seems everything that can go up, has … from petrol to fresh food, and now, even the mortgage.

Procrastination Cure

Putting things off is one of our greatest diseases. Something from which- be honest, we all suffer.

Winter Battler

If you thought you’re doing it tough this bitterly cold winter, spare a thought for Adelaide’s Maxine Anderson More…

Dog Whisperer

His real name is John Richardson, but to his many canine clients he’s known only as The Dog Whisperer. More…

Fighting Fat with Food

Getting enough Omega 3 fish oil is one healthy habit. Australian scientists have revealed four foods that could help you lose weight without diet or exercise, but still warn against being a couch potato. More…

Miracle Machine

It may look like something out of Dr Who, but this Adelaide practitioner reckons he could be onto a medical breakthrough.

Runaway Builder

He can run but he certainly can’t hide. Runaway builder Andrew Mountford Jones shattered the dreams of dozens of South Australians when he fled to the Gold Coast leaving a trail of debts and unfinished homes.

Whyalla Boomtown

It’s the South Australian city on the edge of the Spencer Gulf that many had long given up for dead, but now Whyalla is back on the map.

Body Sizes

It’s no secret that women love to shop, and with so many stores, it can appear like we’re spoilt for choice … but not according to Adelaide women Julia Fry and Tonia Atkin.

Adelaide’s traffic chaos

Have you been caught in Adelaide’s traffic chaos? Tell us your story.

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